Inspirational Design Process
The process of creativity is something that's individualized, it's a personal process that's different for everyone. We'd like to share our process of design from beginning to end. Don't worry we'll keep it short and sweet. Our goal is to inspire you to choose a process and join the creative community.
Inspiration is key to the driving force to creativity. So if we arent that inspired about something, we won't push the process. We get inspired by traveling and observing the world around us. Traveling lets us take in fresh visuals leading to new ideas. The first table design we created was inspired by the "Tea Cup" desk by Eero Saarinen. Having just left a job at General Motors to begin the Bend Goods journey, the old reception desk there was on our mind. The tapered look is the main overall aesthetic we went with for our Coffee Table, a 36 inch table design.
This play with gravity is an interesting concept that catches our eye every time. The Tea Cup desk designer Eero Saarinen, a mid-century modern master of design that embodies futuristic streamlined curves is someone we often look to for inspiration. See below for a resemblance image of The Coffee Table and Tea Cup Desk.

After we get a general idea of our main overall form, we start thinking how to fill the space. At this point in the process we like to explore patterns in CAD programs. This allows us to explore numerous options within minutes. Once we've finalized a few iterations we'll make some cardboard mock ups on a 1:1 scale. As easy as it is to explain these last steps, these final steps typically take us months to finalize. But it's worth every day and is a very rewarding process when the finish line is reached. But of course no design is ever final. We are always going back to the drawing board to explore ways to evolve our designs, so what you see today may be revised for tomorrow. It's a fun process of creativity and design that we never fully escape and we're ok with that. An artist's work is never done.