We are having quite the week here at Bend Goods. Yesterday we wrapped up the debut of our second collection with some exciting new Goods for our line. And today we are unveiling the Bend Goods Pointy House, which has been a true exercise in all things design. Not only are we going to be using the space to show off the Goods classic and new, but we have assembled an awesome collective of designers to help us fill the design gaps so to speak.
Below you will find a list of the makers that we have represented in the house. We have also included their social media handles because the true point of this experiment, so to speak, is purely to inspire you with their work the way these makers inspire us. We thought what better way than our official Holiday Party to celebrate the creative, challenging and inspiring year that was 2016.
Stay tuned to our Instagram account (@BENDGOODS) all evening as we'll be bringing you tonight's festivities in real time through our story. We'll also be showcasing all these incredible makers that we are talking about and profiling them throughout the month of December as well. But for today, we celebrate all things design and the end of one of the most challenging and rewarding years that we endured so far!
Assembly of the Wild (@assemblyofthewild), Boyce Studio (@boycestudio), Brooklinen (@brooklinen), Calico Wallpaper (@calicowallpaper), Coco Carpets (@cococarpets), Cle Tile (@cletile), Cerno (@cerno_group), Eric Trine (@etrine), Happy Habitat (@happyhabitat), Jeff Morrical (@jeffmorrical), Katie Kimmel (@katiekimmel), Nathan Vincent (@_nathanvincent), Nima Abili (@lesmeuble), Nobel Truong (@nobeltruong), Sara Ossana - O&G Studio (@oandgstudio), Scout Regalia (@scoutregalia), Wolfum (@wolfum)