Pointy House a Brief HistoryBehind The Bend
How is it possible that the first day of December is tomorrow? We are excited to be writing this entry from the newly completed Bend Goods Pointy House. Our team is feverishly getting ready for the big Pointy debut on Friday evening, but more on that a little later. Over the next couple of days and with the help of some media partners, we are excited to be showing off all of the hard work over the last year. We thought we would start today with a little Pointy House 2016 renovation timeline.
If you followed us on social media through 2016, let us take you back to January. You'll remember some brightly colored photography coming from a house that we called the Color Lab. The Color Lab was set in a 1920's Tudor style home that we had purchased as a creative project at the beginning of January. The interiors of the home had not been updated since the mid 80's so we decided to have some fun during the planning and permitting process. We painted floor to ceiling 5 of the 6 rooms in the house. The kitchen for example, we chose pink and painted everything from the floor to the stove to the kitchen sink a bright pink. With the living room blue and the dining room peach, we filled the space with Bend product and brought in some cameras and captured some pretty epic photography. With an epic rager of a party to close everything out, it was time to get to work.
In February, the demo began. We wanted to keep the layout and the original bones of the house in place but give it a good modern update. Some walls were removed and other just slightly adjusted. There were some crazy built ins that flanked the fireplace in the living room that were replaced with secret doors which when opened completely changed the space. The once dark house also got some amazing skylights, allowing the California sunlight to flow freely. We also took some fun design risks that really lend themselves to the Pointy namesake. In the end, what we started with was a pretty dark and depressing space that is now bright, inspiring, and most of all welcoming.
On Friday we are officially opening the Pointy House for a public viewing. It's going to be really fun to see the same people experience the house that saw it as the Color Lab. If you're in Los Angeles on Friday evening you are more than welcome to attend. The festivities kick off at 7PM and go until about 10PM. send us your name at RSVP@BENDGOODS.COM and we'll reply with the address. If you aren't in LA don't fret though. We'll be covering the space and the party through our Instagram story and we'll also let you know a few other media options to see what is going down in real time. We'll bring you all those details early in the day on Friday and also a list of makers that are helping with the interiors in the space. We hope you can partake in our fun and exciting way to kick off the Holidays and close out 2016!