As you would imagine, Bend is company full of creative energy. Gaurav started this company not only to put his stamp on the modern furniture industry, but also to give himself a creative outlet. At Bend we truly love what we do, and we do a lot of designing based on our interests and the needs that we have in our own lives. We thought we would use this weeks Behind the Bend to give you a little taste of where the inspiration for the goods comes from.
Let’s take this from a past, present and future stand point. As a child, our Michigan born and raised founder spent a lot of time vacationing, with his family, in southern California desert oasis, Palm Springs. From a young age, it’s hard to know what is influencing your developing mind. That is until you can look back and see those influences in your current work and interests. You can definitely see the mid-century modern aesthetic and lifestyle influences in our designs today. The bright colors, wire frames and indoor/outdoor quality of life that is so quintessential Palm Springs in the late 70’s, reads very true of the Bend Ethos today.
As a team today, we all influence each other in a number of different ways. We collectively draw a lot of influence from pop culture and things like music and modern art and graphic design. A typical day in the office starts with the question, what we are going to listen too, as a group while we work. That question is then followed by a brief conversation suggesting new music finds or old classics. It’s not uncommon to hear, “Hey, you know what I heard the other day that I totally forgot about but love?” We like to challenge each other and share the things that are inspiring us as individuals. These conversations end up being a great way to keep Bend, as a brand and our team energy cohesive.
As for the future, architecture, urbanization and interior design trends are all things that are continually shaping our minds, and making us think about how Bend applies to the developing world. We spend a lot of time looking at future projects that are being proposed in cities around all over the globe. The buildings that will change the skyline of a major city, or a home that is using technology that will revolutionize the way we live. We choose to be part of the conversation about the future, so that we can do our part to make it a better place. To us, that’s truly what inspiration is all about, learning from the past, appreciating the present and working to make the future a little bit brighter.