Bending 2017Behind The Bend
Welcome to the first week and our first blog of 2017. It's hard to look back on 2016 and not feel bittersweet about the year as a whole. For us here at Bend, it was a great year spent launching our second full collection and taking the brand to international locations that we have never been before. We absolutely loved meeting everyone that we did and felt nothing but completely welcomed everywhere that we ventured. The bitter part of the sweet came at the end of the year when the political and social climate took a hit both here and on a global scale. Now it's 2017, and it's time to dust ourselves off and push forward.
In very general terms, there are things in life that you can control and things that you cannot. The only way to bridge the gap between what you can and can't control is the way in which you react. The power that design has is that it can both be a release and also a means to express emotion. We have decided that we are going into this year with a clear head and our focus on creative expression. Now that our second collection is fully released, we are excited to mix it with our classics and watch the story unfold. We are going to spend the first months of this year assembling a new catalog and having some photographic fun. We're sure to let some of the outtakes slip into our social posts here and there, so definitely stay tuned.
The second and third quarters of 2017 will see us finalizing and releasing a very exciting new collection for us. It's a small collection of pieces that will take us in a very different direction, but work very well with the Bend aesthetic. We can't give you much more than that at this point, but keep an eye out during New York Design Week in May for the details. This year is going to be great, possibly a bit of a struggle at points but great non-the-less. We can't wait to take you along for the ride and experience every single moment with you!